
  • Hryhorii Bohush Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region
  • Iryna Borysiuk Odessa National Medical University


gunshot wound, limbs (extremities), soft tissues, infection, complications, treatment.


Currently, gunshot wounds are a problem not only in military medicine but also in the sphere of human health care. The first place in  the system of complex treatment of gunshot wounds of the extremities, of course, belongs to the most complex and time-consuming part of it - the primary surgical treatment. Adequate and early, timely surgery is a guarantee of a successful outcome and the best method to prevent the development of infectious complications in the wound. The least number of complications occurs when the primary surgical treatment is one-time and comprehensive. Factors for the development of infectious complications are as follows: weakening of the body blood loss, physical and mental fatigue, irregular diet, cooling and comorbidities. The basic tasks of treatment of gunshot wounds are as follows: the maximum possible removal of necrotized tissues; creating favorable conditions for maintaining the viability of tissues in the area of secondary necrosis.


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How to Cite

Bohush , H., & Borysiuk , I. (2020). TREATMENT OF INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS OF GUNSHOT WOUNDS OF THE LIMBS’ SOFT TISSUES. News of Science and Education, (6). Retrieved from


