The stimulus, which cause the modernization of the regional economy in modern conditions


  • S. Khanin PHEI “Academician Yuriy Bugay International scientific and technical university”


modernization, productive forces of regions, endogenous factors, development, theory, concept, economy of regions.


The article singled out the causes that contribute to the modernization of regions in modern conditions. It has been determined that the modernization of the regional economy is a priority area of regional economic policy. The factors that influence the disproportion between the regions, which are the prerequisites for deepening the existing structural problems, are at the same time distinguished, creating potential opportunities and prospective directions for their solution both for the regions and for the countries as a whole. Among the reasons for structural modernization of the regional economy include: cyclical processes of the economic system; change of values in the system of consumer needs under the influence of mass social phenomena or achievements of scientific and technological progress; qualitative changes in the material and technical base of production under the influence of intensification of innovative processes; the impact of existing structural changes or structural changes that have occurred in the soap; the impact of market self-regulation processes on the situation of regional markets; informatization of global economic space, including space of regions; global tendencies towards liberalization of foreign economic relations between states and others.


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How to Cite

Khanin, S. . (2020). The stimulus, which cause the modernization of the regional economy in modern conditions. News of Science and Education, (5). Retrieved from


