
  • Ruslan Skuratovskii National Technical University Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnical institute, Kiev
  • Kvashuk Dmytro National Aviation University
  • Julia Larionova National Aviation University


In this paper we present the distribution of the maximum of the organophosphate in the cases where the initial particle is positive or negative with an even and an odd number of velocity reversals. This research focused on reviewing organophosphate monitoring in European countries that was carried out by various researchers independently to National authorities or official European monitoring bodies, during the last ten years. A modified QuEChERS method (a solid phase extraction technique for detection of pesticide residues in food) seems to be the most preferable method used lately in private or educational laboratories, while ultra high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems, are gradually gaining ground in trace analysis. Considering the collected published data, organophosphates seem not to be so intriguing to monitor and research, besides being still one of the most frequently applied pesticides used for cultivation purposes today. The question is, will public health be exposed to adverse effects of produce sold, especially in local markets, without the necessary “free from pesticide residue” certification?


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How to Cite

Skuratovskii, R. . ., Dmytro , K., & Larionova, J. (2021). ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF THE USE OF PESTICIDES IN AGRICULTURE. News of Science and Education, (7). Retrieved from


