Problems of higher medical education during pandemic


  • Olena Lebed Odessa National Medical University
  • Hanna Perkova Odessa National Medical University
  • Stoyanov Olexandr Odessa National Medical University
  • Inna Chemeresiuk Odessa National Medical University
  • Heorhii Hontaruk Odessa National Medical University


Higher education in the modern society is no less important social structure than the economy. Economic crises and recessions, despite their depth and destructive, alternate recovery and growth, the emergence of more efficient economic models. The system of higher education plays an important role, providing training of the necessary specialists, scientific and technological developments, and innovations, helping the economy to get out of the crisis and adapt to new realities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused and continues to cause many social changes and transformations. Discussing them, first of all, we mean negative economic consequences, problems of the health care system and medicine, problems of a psychological nature, generated by a sharp restriction of social contacts.



How to Cite

Lebed, O. ., Perkova, H. ., Olexandr, S. ., Chemeresiuk, I. ., & Hontaruk, H. . (2021). Problems of higher medical education during pandemic. News of Science and Education, (1). Retrieved from


