Psychological structure of self-development of personality and the influence of art-therapeutic method on the correction of «Self» image


  • M. P. Tymofieva Bukovinian State Medical University
  • O. I. Pavliuk Bukovinian State Medical University


acmeology, creative thinking, person-centered, self-development, self-expression, self-presentation, self-acceptation, internal basis of personality, art-therapy, narrative.



 The problem of self-identity is analyzed in this article. Different theoretical approaches of psychological structure of self-identity are disclosed. The effect of education methods of parents on the self-expression and self-development of the child is analyzed. The influence of art-therapeutic method for self-development and correction of “Self” image is elucidated. Through narrative method person is aware of oneself, one’s experience, compares, presents a view, assert oneself as he wants to be and creates the future. During the dialogue between the psychologist and client rethinking, rebuilding of personal history take place.


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How to Cite

Tymofieva, . M. P., & Pavliuk , O. I. (2021). Psychological structure of self-development of personality and the influence of art-therapeutic method on the correction of «Self» image. News of Science and Education, (7). Retrieved from


