
  • O.M. Bezvesilna National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • S.S. Kotliar National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


Known stabilization systems (SS) use Coriolis, piezoelectric, gyroscopic, string transducers as sensitive elements [1, 2]. But recently the most promising are capacitive MEMS sensitive elements (SE) [3-6, 8-16]. However, in the known literature there is almost no information about the design, features, principle of operation of capacitive MEMS


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Aviation gravimetric complex for measuring anomalies of gravity acceleration with a two-channel capacitive gravimeter / О.М. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk // International Scientific Journal "Technological Complexes" 2015. № 1 (15). Pp. 94-99.

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Development of a new two-channel gravimeter for measuring the acceleration of gravity / O.M. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk, / Technological audit and production reserves №1 / 2 (27), 2016. P. 134-139.

The design of a two-channel capacitive MEMS gravimeter // O.M. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko // All-Ukrainian scientific-practical on-line conference of graduate students, young scientists and students, dedicated to the Day of Science, Zhytomyr, May 10-12, 2016, pp.71-72.

Aviation gravimetric complex for measuring anomalies of gravity acceleration with a two-channel capacitive gravimeter / О.М. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk // Collection of abstracts of the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students "Information technology in education, technology and industry" / MES, IFNTUNG. - Ivano-Frankivsk. 2015, p. 70-71.

Determination of low-frequency gravimeter errors of automated aviation gravimetric system / О.М. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk, V.V. Ponomarenko // Bul. Engineering Academy of Ukraine, №3, 2015, P. 20-25.

Compensation of instrumental errors of low-frequency gravimeter of aviation gravimetric system by using the two-channel method / О.М. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk, V.V. Ponomarenko // Bulletin of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, №3, 2015, P. 26-30.

Analysis of methodical errors of two-channel capacitive gravimeter / О.М. Bezvesilna, Т.В. Khilchenko / Russian-Chinese scientific journal "Commonwealth" №3 (3) / 2016 part 2, p. 51-54.

Mathematical model of aviation gravimetric complex for measuring anomalies of gravity acceleration with a two-channel capacitive gravimeter / О.М. Bezvesilna, T.V. Khilchenko, A.G. Tkachuk // XIII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference "Trends of modern science" 2015, p. 69-73.



How to Cite

Bezvesilna, O. ., & Kotliar, S. . (2022). CAPACITY MEMS SENSITIVE ELEMENT OF THE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. News of Science and Education, (8). Retrieved from


