motor shaft speed, torque, three-phase electric motors, motor control, sensors, signal, measurements, metrological characteristicsAbstract
Today, 80% of all electricity produced in the world is consumed by asynchronous electric motors. Their share in the overall structure of manufactured electric motors is constantly increasing. This is especially true of asynchronous motors with a short-circuited rotor. This is due to the extremely high reliability, ease of manufacture and operation. High regulatory capabilities and dynamic performance make them indispensable in industry and other sectors of the economy.
To measure the power of such electric motors, the metrological characteristics of torque, shaft speed, current consumption, etc. are studied.
The need for such measurements is due not only to the current state of operation of asynchronous AC motors, but also promising research aimed at improving the accuracy of measuring instruments.
However, there are unresolved issues, including difficulties in determining torque, determining angular velocity and acceleration using indirect measurement methods.
To solve the problems of electromagnetic torque control and determine the angular velocity of an induction motor, the method of controlling the output coordinates of a three-phase induction motor is investigated. To do this, measurement schemes were considered
stator winding temperature and supply voltage. Based on research, an algorithm for measuring angular velocity is presented
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