
  • A.N. Stoyanov Odessa National Medical University, Odessa
  • V.V. Dobrovolskyi Odessa National Medical University, Odessa
  • A.S. Son Odessa National Medical University, Odessa
  • R.S. Vastyanov Odessa National Medical University, Odessa
  • O.P. Lebed Odessa National Medical University, Odessa
  • I.G. Chemeresyuk Odessa National Medical University, Odessa


In connection with the integration of the higher medical education system of Ukraine into the European educational program, new problems arise in improving the base of educational services [1].

We pay a lot of attention to improving and optimizing the training of medical students in order to prepare future highly qualified specialists. We believe that in this case it is necessary to introduce European educational and medical standards into the educational and integration process. The signing of a document on the association of Ukraine with the EU means the introduction of fundamental changes, including in the health sector. In connection with the globalization of the global educational space, the national higher medical school must go through a complex modernization process in order to meet the requirements of the Bologna Declaration signed by Ukraine. One of the main goals of reforming higher medical education in Ukraine is the training of medical personnel through the introduction of European educational and medical standards in the educational process [2].


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Problems and prospects of foreign students teaching at a medical university / R.S. Vastyanov, I.V. Savytskyi, Ye.M. Levchenko, A.F. Dzygal // Professional Education: Problems and Perspectives. – К. : IPTO НАPSUkraine, 2017. – Iss. 12. – P. 14-18 (In Russian).

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Innovative comprehensive teaching of neuroscience to improve the professional education of neurologists / O.М. Stoyanov, R.S. Vastyanov, T.M. Muratova, V.V. Dobrovolsky // Integrative Anthropology. – 2015. - N2 (26). – P. 64-69 (In Ukraine).

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The prevailing role of motivation students teaching at the Odessa national medical university at the general and clinical pathological physiology department / R.S. Vastyanov,. I.V. Savytskyi, Ye.M. Levchenko, I.O. Ostapenko // Advances Biology Medicine. – 2017. - N1. – P. 53-57 (In Russian).

Tuting in the process of anintegrative approach in the innovative-simulation method of medical students teaching / V.V. Artemenko, R.S. Vastyanov, I.V.M’yastkivska, A.S. Zaitsev // Odessa Medical J. – 2016. - N3 (155). – P. 59-65 (InUkrainian).

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How to Cite

Stoyanov , A., Dobrovolskyi , V., Son , A., Vastyanov , R., Lebed , O., & Chemeresyuk , . I. (2021). POSSIBILITIES TO IMPROVE TEACHING EFFICIENCY AT THE MODERN STAGE OF REFORMING HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. News of Science and Education, (1). Retrieved from https://scieduc.eu/ojs_en/index.php/en_ojs/article/view/6


